Liquid oil from soybean seeds was extracted about 6, 000 years ago in China. It is then adopted as a sacred plant in Korea and Japan. Otherwise, its native places are the Far East, Don and Kuban.
It is no coincidence that the high rating given to this legume is that it ranks first among similar plants in terms of the content of biologically active substances. In addition, the digestibility of soy by the body is the highest.
Coming to Europe only in the twentieth century, soybean took its place on the table of Europeans, with the British being the most devoted admirers of soy products. Their dietary Cambridge bread, made from soy flour, is known for its unique vitamin and mineral composition.
Soybean oil is the result of pressing and extraction processes. It has a light, straw-yellow hue and has a very specific and pungent odor.
Only its refined form is used for consumption. Refining and deodorizing treatment gives it transparency and a delicate pink hue. Soybean oil is the leader among all other oils.
This product contains lecithins used in the pharmaceutical and food industries. This base produces soaps and detergents, plastics, paints and synthetic oils, which are very environmentally friendly. This oil is gentle even with the ozone layer.
Raw soybean oil has a pleasant brown color with a slight greenish tinge and the refined version is light yellow. In cooking it is suitable for frying. It should only be stored in a cold place in a closed glass container.

Cold soybean oil is the most beneficial, because it contains the most nutrients. However, it has a very sharp and characteristic smell and taste and therefore not everyone likes it.
Unrefined soybean oil is hydrated and prolongs its shelf life and it also contains a lot of nutrients, especially lecithin, which has a beneficial effect on brain activity. It should not be fried because it is carcinogenic, but it is suitable for salads.
Refined soybean oil is popular in the Far East, where it is native. It is odorless and has a pleasant taste. It is used for cold appetizers and for frying vegetables. It contains almost no vitamins and can not be used as a remedy, but is an alternative to animal fats.
Soybean oil has a beneficial effect on brain function, normalizes cholesterol levels and improves sexual function in men. Prevention is in diseases of the digestive tract, immune system and metabolic disorders.
Soybean oil has a significant presence in cosmetics to moisturize and nourish the skin. It is great for rejuvenating and toning the face, for which the phytosterols in it help.
The lecithin it contains is used in the confectionery industry and pharmacology and tocopherol supports kidney function and is effective for stress and depression.