»Tips»Fruit Diets for Various Illnesses

Fruit Diets for Various Illnesses

Stanislava ValkovaStanislava Valkova
Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Fruit Diets for Various Illnesses

Nowadays juices from raw fruit and vegetables should be widely used in the diet of adolescents and adults. Fruit juices or vegetable juices are not a fad, but a very necessary element in a healthy and rational diet.

Fortunately, many and varied fruit and vegetables can be found everywhere.

The nutritional value of fruit consists in the fact that they /as well as vegetables/ are the main sources of vitamin C and mainly carotene, as well as various mineral substances - iron, phosphorus, calcium, etc. In addition, they have a pleasant taste and aroma, which are due to the citric, malic and tartaric acids and aromatic substances.

With juices, the main components of raw plant food are brought into the body. Thanks to this, fruit and especially fruit juices increase the appetite and support digestion.

In dietary nutrition, well-ripened fruit are used, since they irritate the stomach less. The fruit are recommended for all illnesses, consumed raw, peeled, grated into a puree, roasted or in compotes.

Fruit diets with strawberries or bananas can be combined with yogurt. These diets give very good results in acute hepatitis.

Some juices contain a large amount of tannins, which is found in dogwood juice, etc. It has a disinfecting and anti-inflammatory effect and is used as a remedy for diarrhea.

Many of the juices are rich in phytoncides - juice from lemons, oranges, tomatoes, turnips, which have a protective effect against infections. Juices are taken in amounts from 750 ml to a liter per day, divided into 4-5 portions, using a variety - fruit and vegetable.

With stomach illnesses - gastritis, ulcer, colitis, patients cannot tolerate cellulose. Therefore, the reception of lemon juice diluted with sugar water is indicated. Vitamins are added in the form of rosehip decoction, raw sweet-strawberry juices.

For illnesses arising from high fever - infectious, the vitamins from various juices strengthen the body's strength, have an anti-infectious effect and improve the patient's appetite.

Strawberry juice, apples, apricots, beets, carrots are useful for hypertensive disease and atherosclerosis.

In acute hepatitis or chronic illnesses of the liver and bile ducts, treatment with fruit juices is particularly useful. Strawberries, grapes, apples, with their rich content of carotene, potassium salts, vitamin C, glucose, pectin, have a very good healing effect on such diseases.

Citrus fruit - oranges, lemons, tangerines, are a source of vitamin C, carotene, vitamin B1, B2, P, potassium and calcium salts, essential oils and are recommended for all illnesses.

Foods containing vitamin C are recommended for tuberculosis - vegetables, fruit, rosehip decoction, B vitamins.

Juices in the patient's diet should be taken immediately after their preparation, as the ferments and vitamins are quickly destroyed by the presence of oxygen in the air.

In the process of treating various diseases, it is necessary to choose the correct nutrition or diet, which will subsequently help you cope with the illness.



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