»Tips»Which Teas Lower Blood Sugar?

Which Teas Lower Blood Sugar?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
Which Teas Lower Blood Sugar?

There is hardly a person who does not know that diabetes is a rather insidious and irreversible disease. Diabetes greatly affects insulin and blood sugar in our body. As we know, drastic changes in lifestyle, diet and medication are recommended for any illness.

In this advice, we're going to share some herbs, which you can make into teas to lower blood sugar levels in your body.

- It is not uncommon for people who have diabetes to find it very difficult to change their current lifestyle in order to control their blood sugar and insulin levels. Herbs come to the rescue.

And here are the herbs and teas for lowering blood sugar:

1. Aloe vera

There is almost no person who does not know how healthy aloe vera is for our body. Apart from all the beneficial properties that aloe vera has, it also has another advantage and that is that it has the power to control and lower blood sugar levels. It contains many antioxidants, thanks to which aloe vera protects and restores the beta cells in our pancreas and these cells produce insulin;

2. Cinnamon

As we know, cinnamon is mostly used to make sweets. In addition, however, it has the property of improving and lowering the level of glucose, insulin, lipids, as well as lowering blood pressure. If you are a person who has prediabetes, you can take 250 mg of cinnamon extract before breakfast and dinner for 3 months;

3. Ginseng

Ginseng tea has the power to improve the response of our cells and increase the production of insulin in our body. Drinking ginseng tea or tincture lowers blood sugar after a meal by 20% in people who do not have diabetes. If 1 gram of the herb is taken two hours before the main meal, it controls blood sugar levels quite well;

4. Milk Thistle

This herb has been used since time immemorial for many different ailments. Silymarin, which is a milk thistle extract, is a type of compound that is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties that have a good effect on lowering blood sugar;

5. Ginger tea

We all know and have heard how healthy ginger is for more than one or two illnesses, as well as for prevention. It is very helpful when it comes to lowering blood sugar, however, it does not lower insulin levels. For this reason, ginger can reduce insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes. It is ideal for making a delicious ginger tea and is quite enough to have an effect;

6. Basil tea

In addition to all its beneficial properties and its use in cooking, basil also has a very good effect on blood sugar levels both before and after meals. In addition to basil tea, juice can also be made;

7. Dandelion Tea

Most people think that dandelion is just a weed. However, the truth is quite different. Dandelion has the property of preventing the onset of diabetes and lowering blood sugar levels. Its leaves can be used in a salad - the so-called arugula or made into a tea. Dandelion root has the ability to stimulate the pancreas to synthesize insulin, because it contains a nutrient called inulin.



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