»Community»Most recently cooked recipes
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- User#328494cooked the recipe: Spicy Egg Salad2 years ago Spicy Egg Salad24.07.2017Egg Salad
- User#328423cooked the recipe: Feta Cheese Soufflé2 years ago Feta Cheese Soufflé26.02.2013Souffle
- Anonymouscooked the recipe: Chicken Hearts with Rice in the Oven2 years ago Chicken Hearts with Rice in the Oven23.01.2014Oven Baked Rice
- Anonymouscooked the recipe: Breaded Chicken Hearts2 years ago Breaded Chicken Hearts02.01.2017Fried Chicken
- Anonymouscooked the recipe: Easy Cake with Two Eggs and Jam2 years ago Easy Cake with Two Eggs and Jam08.12.2020Sponge Cake
- Anonymouscooked the recipe: Quick Cake with Coffee2 years ago Quick Cake with Coffee20.02.2017Pastries
- Davidcooked the recipe: Chocolate Cake2 years ago Chocolate Cake20.08.2013Sponge Cake
- Davidcooked the recipe: Chocolate Cake with Butter2 years ago Chocolate Cake with Butter12.02.2016Sponge Cake
- Anonymouscooked the recipe: Economical Russian Pancakes2 years ago Economical Russian Pancakes21.01.2015Pancakes
- User#327415cooked the recipe: Sandwiches with Egg and Salami2 years ago Sandwiches with Egg and Salami02.09.2014Sandwiches