Leuzea carthamoides is a plant that grows in Siberia and Northeast Asia. Leuzea resembles thistle in appearance, but has nothing to do with it.
Leuzea is a highly energizing herb that helps you successfully cope with spring fatigue, depression and sexual weakness. The plant has a height of 20-50" (50 to 120 cm) and has strong, serrated leaves.
The healing properties of Leuzea were found after an observation of reindeer in breeding season that were looking to eat Leuzea roots.
Composition of Leuzea
With therapeutic purposes are used the roots of the herb that are well cleared of dust and dried. They contain vitamins, of which the greatest amount is that of vitamin C, tannins, essential oils, resin and essential substances. The composition of Leuzea has ecdysterones too.
Ecdysterone is placed in the class of triterpenoids, together with known agents such as phytosterols and triterpene saponins. Known are over 250 different ecdysterones. Some chemists believe the number will grow to a thousand.
Selecting and storing Leuzea
Leuzea extract can be found on the labels of many combined or herbal supplements for fatigue. It is used in formulas to combat stress. The extract is also found in recovery substances for after exercise and herbal supplements to stimulate growth.
Daily intake of Leuzea
It is estimated that 40 mg daily of pure ecdysterone extract is sufficient for positive results, with no risk of poisoning. You must follow the instructions on the package for a recommended daily dose of possible differences in the concentration of the extracts in individual products.
![Leuzea herb](/files/lib/300x300/maral-root-levzea.webp)
Benefits of Leuzea
Leuzea is an adaptogen that helps the body respond to stress and thus to deal better with it. This property is due to the beta-ecdysterone ecdison. Leuzea is a stimulator of muscle growth and is a very good anabolic.
It is a great energy provider, which increases physical stamina, sexual desire and sexual activity.
Improves mental performance and blood circulation, cures depression and improves your mood, relieves stress. Leuzea improves the activity of the liver and normal content of hemoglobin in the blood.
Stimulates muscle growth and melts excess fat and is therefore recommended for active people who want to have an athletic body. Leuzea supports recovery from infectious disease, heavy physical labor, strenuous workouts or menopause.
Leuzea is a powerful antioxidant that limits the harmful effects of free radicals on cells and thus precludes their premature aging. It has very good immune effects, therefore it is recommended for colds, flu and infectious diseases.
Among the assumptions and unsubstantiated claims about the positive action of Leuzea are that it lowers the level of cholesterol, lowers blood pressure and stimulates the synthesis of hemoglobin in erythrocytes.
Dangers of Leuzea
Before you start taking Leuzea or ecdysterone extracts, it is recommended that you consult a doctor. It is believed the herb is slightly toxic, but is tolerated by most people.
Because of the presence of ecdysterone in it, Leuzea should not be used by pregnant or nursing women. Not recommended is the intake of ecdysterone and Leuzea of people who take anabolic steroids and growth hormones without consulting Andrology experts.
When prolonged administration of excessive doses of certain types of ecdysterone breast enlargement may be observed, deepening of the voice, and increased hair growth, as well as an increase in the risk of prostate cancer and breast cancer.