Suillus is a kind of mushroom. It mostly grows in coniferous forest, s prefers young pine plantations and their suburbs. Often occurs between mosses and grasses, as well as in pine plantations, but it can be found in high alpine areas, in squats. They grow both individually and in groups.
The hat of a Suillus is tan to dark brown. In wet weather, it becomes sticky and dry weather - shiny and smooth. It is connected to the stump through a special cover. The hat has a sticky skin that peels easily.
The cover, which connects the edge of the hat to the stalk is torn when it grows and lets it have a sticky whitish-purple ring that eventually disappears. The meat of this kind of mushrooms is whitish-yellow color that does not change during growth. After separation of the mushroom, it begins softening.
The tubes of the kind of mushrooms at a young age are white or yellowish-white and short. Its stalk is whitish, pale yellow with purple sticky ring snugly and firmly.
Types of Suillus
Normal Silius /Suillus luteus/ - it is one of the most common kind of mushrooms in Europe, it is also one of the most collected wild edible mushrooms. When young, they lemon-yellow tubes are hidden by whitish membrane that connects the cap to the stem. Their a pore pollen has brownish color cap with a diameter of up to 15 cm, height - 10 cm ordinary Suillus likes roadsides and sunny places to pine trees.
Grainy Suillus /Silius granulatus/ - is also a popular type. The tubing of young grainy Suillus gives off a liquid that resembles milk. The upper part of the cap is reddish-brown and slimy in rainy weather. The meat smells nice, it has a yellowish color. Cap diameter is about 10 cm and its height reaches 8 cm, it grows mainly in grass and near pine trees. Most often, they are confused with the ordinary kind of Suillus.

Bovine Suillus /Silius bovinus/ - is distributed mainly in coniferous forests. The hood in young mushrooms is like a bell, but over time becomes flat. The color of this kind of mushrooms is tan and sometimes has a reddish tinge. The underside of the cap is yellow.
Elegant Suillus /Silius elegans/ - reaches 3-10 cm diameter and in the youngest mushrooms is hemispherical and later spreads out and becomes almost flat with a slightly curved uppermost portion. The color of elegant Suillus varies from brownish to almost orange.
The following two types occur less frequently, they are sprayed Suillus /Silius variegatus/ and Siberian Suillus /Silius sibiricus/.
Composition of Suillus
100 of Suillus contains 18 calories, 0.5 g carbohydrate, 0.7 g fat, 2.4 g protein and about 95.4 ml. Suillus contains vitamin D, vitamin B and antioxidants.
Collection and storage of Suillus
Because the fluid that Suillus leaks in the wet, their collection in dry weather is recommended. Gather them carefully, so as not to hurt them. Note that the presence of channels in brown cut meat shows the presence of the insects and their larvae. They often attack the soft and yellow Suillus. This mushroom is very perishable and rots relatively quickly after picking and therefore must be consumed immediately.

Suillus in cooking
Suillus are widely used in cooking. Before cooking, wash and clean them thoroughly. The skin must be removed before cooking, because it can lead to an eating disorder.
The Suillus is suitable for cooking, canning and drying. Kind of mushrooms are heavy mushrooms, which are particularly suitable for dinner. They can be prepared steamed or baked in the oven, but do not overdo the fat that you put in.
You can eat them as an appetizer, fry them with a little oil and then season them with a little pepper and salt. Another very easy and delicious recipe for Suillus is to sauté onions and add chopped Suillus. Simmer until the water evaporates and then add pepper and a little liquid cream.
Benefits of Suillus
Like most edible mushrooms, Suillus has many health benefits. Vitamin D is vital for proper absorption of calcium, also has expressed anti-cancer properties. Mushrooms are rich in antioxidants, which are vital for the body.
Dangers of Suillus
Suillus have no poisonous look-alikes, which is a great advantage over other types of mushrooms that have dangerous counterparts. However, keep in mind that Suillus can grow next to some inedible mushrooms, so increased attention during collection is a must.
On the other hand, Suillus mushrooms are heavy and if their skin is not removed before cooking, it can lead to stomach problems. Do not eat Suillus for dinner, so as not to overload your digestion.