The smoketree /Cotinus coggygria Scop./ is one of the most famous medicinal herbal plants. There is probably no person who has not benefited at least once from its strong healing properties. Smoketree is a shrub or tree up to about four meters high, which can be found among bushes and oak forests. It thrives on stony, dry and calcareous soil.
Smoketree is widespread in the warmer areas, up to 800 meters above sea level. It is also found in southern Europe.
Smoketree branches have reddish smooth bark and yellow wood.
The leaves have an elliptical or ovate shape, with clearly visible veins. The leaves are gray-green on the bottom and dark green on top. They have a characteristic smell and in autumn they turn red. Smoketree flowers are bisexual, pale greenish, collected in an inflorescence.
Composition of smoketree
Smoketree leaves contain 25% gallotannin, gallic and ellagic acid. Smoketree essential oil has a very pleasant aroma and its chemical composition is extremely complex: camphene, linaleol, tyrpeneol, alphapinene, myrcene. The stem of smoketree contains the flavonoid fisetin. It contains tannin, which is concentrated in the leaves.
Collection and storage of smoketree
For medicinal purposes, the leaves are collected, which must be peeled at the beginning of blooming, before the formation of fruits. They need to be torn off very gently without wrinkling or drying them. It is best to collect them in the morning, after the dew has lifted, in dry and sunny weather. Only the healthy and fresh leaves are collected and the most suitable period for this is between June and August.
The leaves should also not be allowed to become moist, because in this case they lose much of their tannin content. Smoketree can be purchased from any pharmacy and its storage is standard - well packed, in a dry and cool place, away from direct access to sunlight.

Benefits of smoketree
Smoketree has a very good antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and astringent effect. The anti-inflammatory effect of smoketree makes it a universal remedy for a number of ailments. The leaves from the young branches of the smoketree are mainly used for treatment.
Smoketree is an amazing remedy for various acute and chronic inflammatory diseases in the oral cavity. These are periodontal disease, canker sores, bad breath, stomatitis, gingivitis, etc. Smoketree is almost always an ingredient in toothpastes and mouthwashes.
Baths with smoketree are suitable for the presence of hemorrhoids, but are most often used to treat persistent white discharge /colpitis/ in the form of vaginal washes.
Smoketree has the same beneficial effect in cystitis. It is good to wash twice a day.
Attention! If you have recently given birth, do not use the ladies' shower gel! Just wash off with the healing decoction.
Smoketree is one of the most effective herbs for skin irritations such as eczema, skin sores, boils, swelling, sweaty feet and others.
Folk medicine with smoketree
In folk medicine, smoketree is used for hemoptysis, inflammation of the stomach and intestines, for diarrhea, kidney diseases, hemorrhoids, heartburn.
For internal use, put 1 tbsp. leaves of the herb in 500 ml of water. Let it boil for 10 minutes and drink 1 cup, four times a day. For smoketree baths, which are used for the above conditions - white discharge, slow-healing wounds, diseases in the oral cavity, boils, sweating of the feet, the following decoction is made:
Pour 1 full tablespoon of smoketree leaves with 500 ml of boiling water and leave them to boil for 5 minutes. Remove from the heat and strain after cooling. Baths, washes and gargles are made with the resulting mixture once a day. You can use the decoction for frostbite and cuts.
The herb has a powerful antifungal effect. You can make baths or compresses with smoketree decoction to get rid of the fungus.
You can use smoketree decoction for chicken pox. Apply a compress that will stop the annoying itching and reduce the painful sensation.
Beautifying with smoketree
For sensitive skin, smoketree can be used very often, because it not only strengthens the protective functions of the skin, but also removes the unpleasant sensations of tension and warmth, as well as redness of the facial skin. If you decide, you can easily prepare a face mask at home.
Wash and lightly crush a small amount of thyme leaves and add to them honey, preferably linden. Mix and apply to the skin of the face, leave it for 20 minutes. Wash off with lukewarm water and hydrate the skin with a suitable cream.
The combination between thyme and smoketree is used for oily skin. Mix equal amounts of the herbs, pour 500 ml of boiling water. Strain and store the finished decoction in a cool place. You can use it as a cleansing facial toner for oily skin.
You can treat pimples, boils and hard-to-heal wounds with smoketree and not see them on your skin in the morning. In case of swollen legs, smoketree will again come to the rescue, freeing the legs from the accumulated tension and from the swelling.

If the eyelids are inflamed, apply a few drops of smoketree decoction and the problem will soon disappear. This treatment is extremely effective in barley. You can wash the eye with the decoction or place a gauze soaked in the decoction for about 15 minutes.
If you suffer from acne, you can buy a cosmetic product - face cream, lotion, tonic with smoketree extract to clean your skin daily. If you have the herb, even better. Take a steam bath with smoketree leaves which will unclog clogged pores. Then apply some of the potion to a cotton pad and rub it over the affected areas of the face. Leave it for 15-20 minutes and wash the face with water.
Smoketree is an ingredient in a number of creams for the face, hands, feet, intimate washes and anti-itch creams. Smoketree is used to treat acne: make a compress of 50 g of smoketree, which is boiled for 20 minutes in 2 tbsp. of water.
In cold weather, it is very important to use cosmetics with smoketree. Creams with smoketree keep the skin healthy and protect it from the aggressive conditions in the cold months.
Damage from smoketree
Smoketree can be used for internal application only in small quantities, because otherwise severe irritation of the internal mucous membranes can occur. Some believe that it should not even be used for internal application, but only for external washes.