»Tips»How to Store Butter?

How to Store Butter?

Nadia Galinova
Translated by
Nadia Galinova
How to Store Butter?

Usually, we always keep butter in the refrigerator, but most experts recommend keeping butter out of the refrigerator at room temperature. We think that since we keep it in the fridge, we will protect it from spoiling, but this is not true. It is true that most dairy products spoil if they are not refrigerated, but this is not the case with butter. Butter contains 80% fat and almost no water. This can be dangerous, especially if kept close to heat. Now we will share a few rules that must be followed, so that we do not have unnecessary headaches with butter.

1. We assume that there is always butter in your fridge, but most delicious recipes, which it is needed for, require soft butter, so it's a good idea to keep it at room temperature.

2. You should not leave butter the oven or on a radiator, because there is a great danger of forgetting it, it leaking and cleaning for hours afterwards.

3. If you want to cook with desalinated butter, it should not be left for more than two hours, because bacteria will begin to form. It is best to use butter with salt, because salt is what prevents the appearance of bacteria.

4. If your kitchen is very warm - above 70°F (21-22°C), it is not good to store the butter at room temperature.

5. If you keep butter in a container with a transparent lid, this can be a serious problem. You need to wrap it nicely with aluminum foil and paper, so that light and air do not pass through, because they cause the butter to spoil.

6. Butter can absorb any odors. It needs to be away from products that emit odors.

7. Butter wrapped in parchment paper should be stored at a temperature of 30°F (0) to 40°F (6°C). This way it can last about a week without losing its taste.

8. The foil extends the shelf life of the butter by another 10 days.

9. Keep the butter close to the freezer. If you are going to store the butter in the freezer, you need to wrap it in parchment paper or foil and then put it in a thick bag. It binds well, so that butter cannot absorb the odors of the food you keep in your freezer. In the freezer, butter can be stored for about 9 months, the temperature needs to be 10°F (-12°C) and at -0°F (-18°C) - up to a year.

There are situations in which butter should be stored at room temperature. What you can do in such cases, you will now find out:

- Put the packaged butter in a glass container (glass bowl) in which very cold water is poured. Close the lid. This way you can store butter for a long time, but you have to change the water twice a day. And here are some more tips:

- Do not leave butter on the table, because it spoils faster;

- Butter will rot if you keep it in the light for a long time;

- Even the fact that the packaging of the butter says ''butter'' does not mean that it is always real;

- The color of butter is sometimes, unrealistic because it is colored with carotene. If butter starts to spoil, it should be used immediately;

- I do not recommend using butter if you are going to fry food, because heated to a high temperature, butter forms carcinogenic substances.

Store butter properly, so that your recipes with it can be obtained perfectly. There is nothing tastier than butter pie or mushrooms in butter. Not to be overlooked are the delicious butter cookies.



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