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User#320121cooked the recipe: Italian-Style Potato Gnocchi2 years ago
Italian-Style Potato Gnocchi06.07.2015Gnocchi
User#320111cooked the recipe: Honey Pita2 years ago
Honey Pita30.01.2014Bread
Anonymouscooked the recipe: Fried Pike2 years ago
Fried Pike29.01.2018Fried Fish
User#320001cooked the recipe: Sweet Cream Shot2 years ago
Sweet Cream Shot17.05.2013Cream
Anonymouscooked the recipe: Puff Pastry Pita with Camembert2 years ago
Puff Pastry Pita with Camembert12.09.2016Stuffed Pita
User#319845cooked the recipe: Grilled Thin Sausages with Eggs2 years ago
Grilled Thin Sausages with Eggs10.05.2017A La Minute
User#319845cooked the recipe: Pan Grilled Sausages2 years ago
Pan Grilled Sausages13.01.2016Sausages
User#319812cooked the recipe: Apple Cake with Walnuts and Vanilla2 years ago
Apple Cake with Walnuts and Vanilla25.08.2022Apple Cake
Yordanka Kovachevacooked the recipe: Pork Neck Steaks with Rosemary and Garlic2 years ago
Pork Neck Steaks with Rosemary and Garlic18.09.2022Steaks
User#316023 Greetcooked the recipe: Whole Grain Biscuits with Spelt Flour2 years ago
Whole Grain Biscuits with Spelt Flour04.09.2022Biscuits