Bulgarian recipes with mint

Bulgarian recipes with mint

Discover simple and trusted recipes from bulgarian cuisine with mint. Here you'll find 309 cooking ideas for bulgarian recipes with mint and everyday cooking inspiration.
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Lamb with Potatoes in a Guvec Pot7Lamb with Potatoes in a Guvec Pot
Yordanka KovachevaYordanka Kovacheva3k3472
Non-Alcoholic Mojito2Non-Alcoholic Mojito
Stoyanka  RusenovaStoyanka Rusenova372367
Homemade Lemonade4Homemade Lemonade
Rosi StoyanovaRosi Stoyanova1k14105
Fried Cheese Balls4Fried Cheese Balls
Rosi TrifonovaRosi Trifonova2k10209
Cocktail FreshCocktail Fresh
Rosi StoyanovaRosi Stoyanova1k14105
Lamb Leg with Potatoes and Olives8Lamb Leg with Potatoes and Olives
Yordanka KovachevaYordanka Kovacheva3k3472
Bean Salad with Lutenitsa and Leeks2Bean Salad with Lutenitsa and Leeks
Mariana Petrova IvanovaMariana Petrova Ivanova525160
Detox Fruit Drink2Detox Fruit Drink
Albena AsenovaAlbena Asenova147234
Lemonade with Sprite3Lemonade with Sprite
Veronika MihailovaVeronika Mihailova355
Summer Watermelon Salad2Summer Watermelon Salad
Albena AsenovaAlbena Asenova393376
Apricot Shake2Apricot Shake
Stoyanka  RusenovaStoyanka Rusenova372367
Pinto Beans SaladPinto Beans Salad
Galya NikolovaGalya Nikolova4921
Frozen Peas Puree3Frozen Peas Puree
Hrana za DushataHrana za Dushata1348
Fragrant Spring SoupFragrant Spring Soup
Rosi TrifonovaRosi Trifonova2k10209
Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream3Fruit Salad with Whipped Cream
Albena AsenovaAlbena Asenova393376
Lean Spinach with Rice9Lean Spinach with Rice
VILI-Violeta MatevaVILI-Violeta Mateva585186
Oven-Baked Rabbit and Potatoes2Oven-Baked Rabbit and Potatoes
Vanya GeorgievaVanya Georgieva368320
Patatnik with Leeks and Potatoes2Patatnik with Leeks and Potatoes
Mariana Petrova IvanovaMariana Petrova Ivanova525160
Yogurt with Strawberries and Chia3Yogurt with Strawberries and Chia
VILI-Violeta MatevaVILI-Violeta Mateva585186


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