The average diet is usually restricted a lot. Most often, it comes to fatty foods, packaged goods and heavy meats. What almost every diet recommends snacking on is fish - can be baked or grilled. Of course, it is not advisable to fry it.
Fish is a very useful product. To be able to prepare it properly, you must first be aware of what fish is. In some species, it is more appropriate to cook it on the grill, others need more sauce, and some must be fried.

It is also important to consider what you will add to the fish. Here we are talking about garnishes, herbs, products and more. - It is very valuable to add the right products for a meal. It can be quite small, but if you hit the important combination, everyone at home will be happy.
Fish is very suitable for spices, but you can not omit salt, pepper, lovage (especially in soup) and lemon. The nice thing about fish is that you can actually experiment with different odors. If you like different things, try adding a sprig of rosemary in the pan with the fish.

You will not go wrong if you put garlic or onions. You should not overdo it, not to take over the taste.
Everybody knows a great recipe with tomato sauce, onion, pepper, salt and, of course- cleaned fish - then bake it in a moderate oven. Another suitable fish sauce is that of mayonnaise, but it is quite heavy.
Potatoes are the most common choice - remember that if you prepare as a salad, you can put corn and gherkins, for example, to diversify the taste, for drinking- nothing is more appropriate than a glass of cold beer.

Generally, fish products allow plays of the fantasy, resulting in the formation of many interesting and tasty things. Here is a recipe that can seem very simple, but may thrill you, so do not dismiss it lightly:
Fish with thyme
Ingredients: medium-sized fish, thyme, salt, pepper, lemon juice, oil, garlic
Preparation: Cleanse the fish (you can use any fish that is suitable for baking ), then leave to stand in a bowl of water and salt for 2 hours. Once you an hour passes, remove it and allow it to drain finely. Mix lemon juice and oil in a bowl and brush each fish with it, including inside.
Arrange it in a pan and sprinkle it with pepper and thyme - do not overdo it with the thyme, lest the fish becomes bitter. Then put slices of garlic in the belly of the fish, maybe pressed. Put it to bake in the oven at 180 degrees.