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- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Fluffy Lemon Cake with a Chocolate Glaze8 years ago Fluffy Lemon Cake with a Chocolate Glaze06.02.2017Sponge Cake
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Fried Greek-Style Mozzarella Balls with Sauce8 years ago Fried Greek-Style Mozzarella Balls with Sauce06.02.2017Bites
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Beef Rolls Filled with Rice and Bacon8 years ago Beef Rolls Filled with Rice and Bacon06.02.2017Savory Rolls
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Cheese Pita with Olives8 years ago Cheese Pita with Olives06.02.2017Round Loaves
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Triangular Apple Puff Pastries with Coconut Flakes8 years ago Triangular Apple Puff Pastries with Coconut Flakes06.02.2017Triangular Puff Pastries
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Tree Stump Biscuits8 years ago Tree Stump Biscuits03.02.2017Biscuits
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Maqluba - Veal with Rice, Eggplants and Potatoes8 years ago Maqluba - Veal with Rice, Eggplants and Potatoes03.02.2017Kebab
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Rolls with Mince8 years ago Rolls with Mince03.02.2017Mini Rolls
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Samosa with Potato and Feta Cheese Filling8 years ago Samosa with Potato and Feta Cheese Filling03.02.2017Fritters
- Topatosubmitted the recipe: Apple Cake with Cinnamon8 years ago Apple Cake with Cinnamon03.02.2017Apple Cake