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Topatosubmitted the recipe: Egyptian Cake8 years ago
Egyptian Cake20.12.2016Hazelnut Cake
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Fall Cream Soup8 years ago
Fall Cream Soup20.12.2016Pumpkin Soup
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Stew with Meatballs and Quinces8 years ago
Stew with Meatballs and Quinces20.12.2016Stew
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Potatoes with Cheeses8 years ago
Potatoes with Cheeses19.12.2016Roasted Potatoes
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Toasted Pancakes with Feta Cheese, Cream and Cheese8 years ago
Toasted Pancakes with Feta Cheese, Cream and Cheese19.12.2016Savory Pancakes
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Pancakes with Chicken Meat and Cheese8 years ago
Pancakes with Chicken Meat and Cheese19.12.2016Savory Pancakes
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Crunchy Ribs with Quinces and White Wine8 years ago
Crunchy Ribs with Quinces and White Wine16.12.2016Ribs
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Easy Crunchy Puff Pastries8 years ago
Easy Crunchy Puff Pastries16.12.2016Phyllo Pies
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Cake with Assorti Turkish Delight8 years ago
Cake with Assorti Turkish Delight16.12.2016Sponge Cake
Topatosubmitted the recipe: Veal with Peas, Carrots and Celery8 years ago
Veal with Peas, Carrots and Celery16.12.2016Beef Stew